Monday, September 28, 2009


I really wanted this shot to be about the lotus sculpture.  I wanted it to be ethereal with the hope that the modern windows on the building behind it are inconsequential.  I thought that adorning the outskirts of a property with these was such an interesting choice.  This particular structure is a temple.  I'm uncertain of the exact faith associated with this temple but whomever designed it did a great job.  There are also lion statues within the gates of the premises but I wasn't daring enough to walk in and take pictures of those.  Maybe some day in the future I will because they have so much character.

Well tonight I am going to attempt to develop my first set of 4x5 negatives.  I'm trying to stay centered and Zen in a way because the process is done completely in the dark and one wrong step and it's back to step one -- re-shoot!  My teacher says that when things go wrong while we're developing or shooting it's actually "photo fairies" messing with us.  For some reason I really like the idea of these little invisible fairies destroying my work, most likely, it's because of my subsequent innocence even if my defense is based on a mythological creature.  Plus, photo fairies is just plain fun to say.

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