Friday, September 18, 2009


This is my newly purchased loupe (technically pronounced "loop").  In class, my teacher refers to it as "Lupe," therefore, I have named mine GuadaLoupe.  We will eventually be using this tool to focus our 4x5 cameras in the field while shooting.  For now, it's a fun toy to play with on my desk.  You'd be shocked how much dust there is on things that you can not see normally.  Pictured here, GuadaLoupe is showing the obscured view through my office window.  

I can't believe how weeks are just flying by since school started.  Next week we will already be a quarter of the way through the semester.  I think I need everything to just slow down a little.  There are too many projects to do when everything is going at such a fast pace.

1 comment:

  1. How can you take a picture of a camera and make it look pretty??? YOU are a genius and I love you
