Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hell Week

At first glance this basket full of groceries appears to be a happy colorful bunch, right?  Underneath that colorful exterior lies the enemy. I have been detoxing this week from all the bad foods I love so much.  This image depicts my weapons against my war on bad food.  The beginning of the week was awesome fast one day have this crazy spinach/banana/celery/mango energy filled smoothie the next day, followed by a continuous flow of healthy, raw veggies and fruits.  Well now, I find myself on day four of this war and I loath my weapons.  I dream of cheeseburgers, fries, and sourdough bread.  It seems funny that such happy looking fruits and vegetables can be such hell.  I'm just trying to keep my eye on the ball at this point.  The week is not much longer.  Today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday-- DEAR GOD who am I kidding?!  I'm not even halfway... or I am exactly half way -- and the path to the end of the road seems so far.

I cannot wait until I start printing this semester so I can post more of my black and white pictures.  Things that I am artistically very proud of.  So far there have been several shots I've posted that I loved a lot but still doesn't seem as rewarding because all I did was push a button on my phone.  Over the next month I should start having fun stuff to post.  I'm so excited!

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