Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well I keep talking about the 4x5 camera that we are learning about and using for my 180 class but until now I haven't had a decent picture of it.  Luckily for me, today I found one!  

Just kidding.  This is a picture I found online while researching early photography, the real camera we use is depicted below.  However, the above does accurately depict how big the camera feels every time I check it out from school and lug it around.  In reality this is actually a 900 lb camera that took 15 men to operate and move it.  It was built in 1900 for $5,000 (interestingly, the same amount a house cost to build at the time).  The camera was commissioned by the Chicago & Alton Railway who wanted the world's largest photograph of the world's handsomest train.  They were successful and the photograph was 8' x 4.5'.

Today Lan and I are attempting to do our architecture assignment again.  We have to shoot a horizontal building and a vertical building with corrections made to the shape so that it is tac sharp all the way around and has no convergence.  It should be a great challenge.  We tried to do the project this past weekend -- but I accidentally checked out the wrong equipment.  Double darn!  Well hopefully we will have amazing success and complete a lot this afternoon.  Time is wasting away rapidly before my eyes!!  Monday is too close!

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