Thursday, January 28, 2010

Banks of love...

Chuck and I were wasting time in Michaels just looking around and I came across these piggy banks for Valentines Day.  I'm not sure what it is but I'm suddenly in love with piggy banks.  Every time I see them I want to take pictures of them.  I think some day when I've acquired enough of piggy bank pictures I will make a book.  It would be the cutest little book ever!  My love for these ceramic little hogs is ironic because I'm the worst at saving my money!

This picture was taken with my camera phone and edited slightly with Picasa.  Hopefully I didn't over process.  ;)  The halo of color on the fronts of them was in the original picture and a result of the opalescent finish they had.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Infiltrating Society...

Today one of the attorneys in my office needed an ad made which will be placed in an a dinner program for the Hispanic Bar Association.  After the encouragement of a friend in the office I used one of my photos.  I was pretty stoked that I was able to create this ad only using WordPerfect (a legal document program) and a picture I took.  I created a tear sheet without even trying.  The fun part is that it will be published in the dinner program for many to see.  I'm sure most people won't take a second glance, but I know that it's my art!  A this particular flower is a Mexican Star Flower so I figured it would represent the culture as well.  I thought about using my sombrero picture but feared it'd be too prosaic.

If you click on it to enlarge it, just keep in mind the font looks better in the original.  I had to change a PDF into a JPEG and some of the quality was lost on the fonts.  It looks better smaller in this version.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sundays are my favorite...

I love Sundays because they are so very relaxing.  Quality time with the puppyface and the boy.  Good stuff.  Mostly Rowdy and I nap throughout the day but exchange half conscious glances here and there.  The only downside to Sundays is that they are immediately followed by Monday.  :(  But that's alright because 6 days later we're back where we started.  I like this picture a lot because it has so many different textures and I just really like the perspective.  I took it with my camera phone while relaxing on the floor with Rowdy-dog.

Friday, January 22, 2010

So long ago...

I'll never figure out why repetitive lines in mass quantities interests me.  I'm drawn to them like a bug to a zapper. Anyhow, another close encounter of the shopping cart kind this time.  I was in the Home Depot parking lot and it must have looked like I was taking pictures for a potential lawsuit or something.  All the carts lined up just looked like a vortex to me and I couldn't resist!  

Not one of my favorites because it's too snapshotty and not composed well, but I feel that my blog is woefully neglected and needed something new.  Sorry Deborah!  One more week of freedom before back to school with fantastic equipment.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We will all float on...

Rainbow Harbor, Long Beach, New Year's Day

I'm frustrated that I haven't got anything to post recently.  I've been so lost without access to all the beautiful equipment at school.  I have taken one roll on my 35mm camera, but all the pictures are currently living inside the film canister which is STILL residing in my purse.  I will develop soon!!!  

I took this picture New Year's Day.  New Year's Eve Chuck and I watched Travis Pastrana jump his Subaru 260 something feet onto a floating barge.  I must say that it was an impressive thing to witness.  He did walk by us while we were at Gladstones, but it was about 20 feet away and there was K-wall and a lot of fencing between us.  Still an experience I am very fond of regardless.  

It was funny this day because when I was little New Year's used to be one of my most favorite days.  We all used to go over to my Grandma and Grandpa's house and our entire family and their friends would just come and go eating all day long.  The night before me, my  cousins, the aunts and my grandma would cook all night and we'd have Martinelli's at midnight.  The house always smelled so good.  It gave that warm fuzzy feeling inside.  Now New Year's is just another ordinary day.  No special food or people all around.  It's so sad that when you're a kid you don't realize that the moments you enjoy so much are numbered.  Oh well, I will just have to find a new way to make it just as special.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Old World Final

This is the final outcome of the re-print of my Old World from this past semester. For some reason today I felt like cleaning our room. I've torn everything apart. I need some organization to start the year off. During my organization process I came across my re-print which I have not posted until today, so here it is ... TAH DAH!!  This is officially the last version ever posted.  I've kind of saturated my blog with this image, but to be fair it took a lot of research and testing to get it right.  Although I was reluctant to change the area of the print to include more of the negative, I am very happy with the result.  It turned out way better than I thought it would.  Hope everyone is off to a great 2010!

I have a roll I'll be posting from soon.  Stay tuned!!  :)